Casino Etiquette – Do’s and Don’ts at the Table

When visiting a casino, there are certain rules you should abide by to ensure a pleasant experience – one being proper casino etiquette.

Make sure you’re not getting drunk too much or talking on your phone during play; neither are enjoyable experiences that contribute to a pleasant casino atmosphere.


At a casino, there are certain rules you must abide by in order to have the best experience possible. Some are just common courtesy and others serve security needs.

Use of your cell phone at a table can be considered bad form and could become a source of distraction to the other players present. Furthermore, make sure your chips are kept safely tucked away while playing at the table.

Be mindful when handling cards and never touch them with two hands at the same time; doing so could result in serious reprimand from the dealer.

As part of gambling, losing is inevitable and should never be used as an excuse for taking out your frustration on other people at the table – this would only serve to spoil everyone’s experience!


If it has been awhile since your last table game experience, you may not realize there are specific rules of etiquette governing casino behavior that should be adhered to for an enjoyable casino experience for all involved. Staff at casinos are typically happy to point you in the right direction if needed!

First and foremost, it is important to remember not to touch or move your chips – even for replacement! Doing so could prove costly both for yourself and the casino, while using your own money in making wagers is strictly forbidden.

There are various casino etiquette rules you should abide by to maximize your experience, from wearing comfortable shoes to placing your phone out of reach at the table.

Table etiquette

When dining at the table, there are certain etiquette rules everyone should abide by. Most are obvious; however there may be lesser known directives which should also be respected.

At table, it is considered rude to place one’s elbows on the table while eating; arms should instead remain at your sides until using utensils.

As well, it is not considered polite to hold your phone up to your ear while playing casino games – this may cause distraction to other players and lead them to lose concentration and focus.

Respect is of equal importance when it comes to table etiquette; these professionals are responsible for setting out the chips for each round of roulette or blackjack from morning until night – not forgetting taking home your winnings should your hand win out!

Dealer etiquette

Are You New to Casinos?? | If this is your first experience in a casino, it can be intimidating and daunting – to avoid embarrassing yourself and creating an unpleasant environment – which is why it is crucial that you familiarise yourself with basic casino etiquette before entering.

Understanding the rules is integral to having fun when playing blackjack, roulette or poker – some casinos even provide table game education courses if you need help understanding how the rules operate. If in doubt about any part of it all, don’t be shy – ask for guidance.

Tipping your dealer is always welcome, but only do it if your experience was exceptional and their service exceptional. Remember that dealers rely on tips for their livelihood – even just a small extra amount could go a long way towards keeping the business afloat!

Casinos pride themselves on providing excellent customer service, and that means treating dealers and staff members well. When building relationships with them, remember they’re making their living doing something they enjoy – be respectful towards them as you would any valued guest, and they’ll treat you accordingly.

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